Ready.. Set... Snowboard!

Since we've had our first snowfall i'd say that it's just about to be time again to pull out your boards and hit the hills! Being a girl of course you one want to be decent at snowboarding but secondly you want to look cute while doing it! Heres some important things to keep in mind while snowboarding but still being able to look good. 

1. Wear a Helmet: Even if the helmet look isn't the hottest its important you protect your head! If your really picky about how you look than go for a cute colour helmet something that will do you some justice.

2. Googles: These are needed to keep the wind and snow out of your eyes. With googles you can have some fun and chose ones that are coloured and have designs, depending on the design it will for sure add character to your outfit.

3. Layers!: It's important that you layer up! Being girls we get cold easily than we complain and give up. Dress in layers and you'll be thankful and warm! Keep in mind the clothes you wear underneath can be cute, that way when it's time to take a break from the hills you can undress and show off that you do have fashion sense.

4. Warm Hands: There is nothing worse than having cold hands, be sure to wear good heavy duty gloves! Forget the mittens, if your worried that your gloves aren't as nice looking than your mittens while than go and purchase nicer looking gloves mittens are prohibited.

5. Heavy socks: The feeling of cold feet is awful, make sure to wear ski or snowboarding heavy duty socks, it doesn't really matter what your socks look like it's more important that your toes stay warm.

6. Outer layer: This is when your big jacket and snow pants go on! We know that at this stage your not at your most flattering look but it's important that your outer layer is waterproof and warm! The only thing you can do when it comes to fashion at this stage is to chose a nice colour, and or design.

7. Boots: Be sure to chose boots that are most comfortable for you! The more comfortable the boot the longer you will be on the hills.

Last but not least... Have a great time and be careful your just about ready to hit the hills!


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