Cleaned up scuffed boots.

We all have those favourites boots that we've worn for a few seasons now but we aren't ready to give them up just yet. With age and wear boots start to get worn out and scuffed up, here are some things you can do to keep your favourite boots looking new! 

Nail Polish Remover: Make sure it's not acetone, the non- acetone will do the trick! This is a great for patent leather, grab a cotton ball, and a tiny amount of nail polish remover. Do a circular movement on the scuffed area to buff it out, don't press hard! Than after doing that use vaseline or polish to hide away the spot. Make sure to try it on a small amount of shoe close to the bottom to make sure the nail polish remover is compatible with your shoe material.

Vaseline: A dab of vaseline on patent leather works wonders! Put the jelly onto a cloth and than gently rub on the spot of the scruff. Than clean it off with damp cloth, it than should be good to go.

Eraser: For vinyl shoes, an eraser is great, gently erase where the scruff is. Gently clean it off with your fingers afterwards. An eraser works also with Suede, after using the eraser use a soft- bristled brush to get away the remanding mess. This is also a great way to get out in-tacked dirt!

Permanent Marker: Nothing works better than using a black marker to colour in where the scruff is! If the scruff is bad than gently remove what you can using any of the options above. Than colour in what is showing.

Hope some of these tips work! Enjoy getting another season out of your favourite boots!


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