Warmer Weather.

It's now officially spring and finally the lighter clothes can start to come out of your closet. By this time were all sick of the heavy knits and heavy parkas, let's start our spring outbreak.

1. Bring out colour: Enough with the dark colours we have seen a lot of black, greys and whites the past couple months so now it's time to pull out the yellows, pinks, corals and blues. Makes sure when your adding colour to your outfit that it's not done over the top.

2. Fancy shoes: We can get away from the Ugg look as well as the heavy boots now that the weather is nicer, when shoes shopping look for fancier shoes with detail. Again look for colour, wedges and sandals are going to the in shoe this spring.

3. Skirts: Showing a little leg is always good it's flirty but nothing to over the top, try for a high waisted skirt either a flowing one or tight fitted. Since it's not that warm yet think about wearing tights or pantyhose to keep your legs a little warm.

4. Silk: Silk is one of my favourite materials, it's so light so comfortable and it's so flattering, you can't go wrong when wearing silk. If you don't wear it often than try wearing a shirt first and if you love it than go to pants. Pattern silk is going to be the big seller.

5. Mix it up: Don't stick to what you would usually wear try mixing up your outfits, try for more colour or more pattern this way you'll have fun getting dressed and you'll look amazing to.


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