Bikini Body.

Summer is approaching fast and we all want to look good in a bikini, even if that's just going to local beaches and not on a trip when in a bikini it's important to show off your confidence. Guys love to see a healthy and fit confident women. Working out for some of us is a choir but it has to be done. Here are 7 tips when dressing for the gym.

1. Stay away from sloppy look: Even though your there to get hot and sweaty still try to look hot, sloppy clothes do nothing for your figure that your working to get.

2.Chose right bottoms:  When choosing clothes think of the excerises you are doing for example if your running than wear tight fitted bottoms to hold everything in place if your doing yoga go for a more sketcky material.

3. No sleeves: It's easier on you to have no sleeves, its more comfortable and you don't get as hot.

4. Sports bra: It's not good for you to no have support on your chest make sure to invest in a good sports bra to hold everything in the right place.

5. Decent Sneakers: Wear good shoes in years to come you'll still want to be able to walk especially if your jogging often on concrete make sure you have the right support.

6. Dark clothing: Dark clothing always gives you a more flattering and fit look this will allow you to feel good while trying to get that toned body.

Last but not least.

7. You matter: Push yourself but don't rush into things start off slow and than get into full progams to get your results, wear what best suits you!


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