Undecided Weather.

This weather is just crazy! One minute it's really sunny that your sweating to death and the next it's pouring with rain. Plan your outfit wisely. Keep these following things in mind when picking out your outfit.

Temperature: During the day the temperature might be really warm, but the evening might cool down. So if you know your going to be out for most of the day and into the night, than bring either a little jacket or cardigan to keep warm from the nip in the air.

Conditions: With the weather changing like it is where one minute it's dry the next it's wet, it's best to  get yourself a small portable umbrella. That way you can keep it in your purse if the weather decides to change. Also keep a little waterproof everyday jacket near by theres no worse feeling than being all wet, cold and uncomfortable.

Plans: Depending on what your doing think about what's best to wear for the whole day without having to pack a whole new outfit for later that day. Think of where your plans are taking place indoors, outdoors these types of things are important!

Most importantly have fun and look great. Show your confidence and Smile. 


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