Happy Easter.

As Easter is approaching this up coming weekend, I'm sure alot of you have some special plans with family whether that being church, brunches or just a casual family get together. You need to be sure that you are ready with an outfit for whatever is thrown at you this weekend. 

Be sure to look at the weather so you can take that into consideration while planning your outfit. 

Breakfast, Brunches or dinner.

-Dress : Keep in mind keep it classy! Nothing to short also keep in mind that patterns and designs are really big this spring.
-Necklace, Bracelet
-Hair down with light curl

-Dressy shirt
-Dark skinny jeans
-Heels/ classy flats
-Hair in a High classy pony tail

Anything classy and professional looking will work!

-High waisted skirt with a nice blouse
-Dress with a jacket or cardigan
-High waisted dress pants with a blouse
-flats or heels will work for all these outfits
- keep your hair fresh looking, brush it and make it look neat!

-Dark jeans
-A nice simple shirt
-Spring scarf
-Hair up or down
( Anything can be jazzed up with a simple scarf or an accessory)

Enjoy time with your families, eat lots and look nice!


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