Fancy Fall Nails.

Us ladies love having our nails looking nice! It's important to us to keep them maintained, a simple colour or a cute little design on your nails really adds to an outfit. Here's some fall ideas to keep your nails looking just as good as your outfit.

3D accents: If you use a plain colour be creative by using 3D pieces on top of your nail, try for diamonds or coloured balls this will look very cute and unique.  

Play up the tips: Instead of making your whole nail a full colour try to do your tip something completely different,  and don't go with just a french manicure plain white. 

Metallic: Everyone is into the metallic look right now! It goes with many outfits and it really catches people eye! 

Dark is good!: Colours that are very dark are really in this fall, the deep reds and purples are colours you can't go wrong with.

Sparkle: Try a little bit of sparkle, this will look great for a fancy outfit it will show your outfit off really well. The sparkle is bound to be a big hit! 


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