Cottage Life.

We all love those cottage weekends away after a very hectic week! Packing for the cottage can be hard work for us ladies, we check the weather about 10 times, we think about what will look cute but will still be comfortable. So here are some tips in what to bring with you to the cottage.

Sunny Days.

Swimsuit: Pack the most suitable swimsuit! Remember when doing crazy things like tubing bikini straps do come lose. Pack more than one so you don't have to get into a wet one at all through out the trip.

Shorts: Pack about 2 or 3 pairs of shorts this way if a pair gets wet you have back up pairs! Bring a pair of denim ones as well as fabric ones with you. Bring the pairs that you know you can pull off without a belt but have that boyfriend loose fit to them.

Tanks: Pack lots of these! Sunscreen and oils will end up on all of them probably so bring quiet a few so you have your bases for the weekend covered.

Hat: Bring a cute baseball hat or your sun hat, this way it will keep your head out the direct sun but by doing it in a cute way.

Flip-flops: These are key! When getting in and out of the water you need something to put on your feet so don't forget your flip-flops!

Rainy days.

Raincoat: Sometimes a walk in the rain is nice, pack your raincoat that way you can go for a walk but keep dry.

Sweat-pants: Be comfy! If the weather is too bad to go outside stay inside and play games, throw on the sweat-pants and your good to go.

Rain-boots: Don't let your feet get wet and cold, bring your boots!

Sweaters: Bring those baggy warm sweaters, no need to look fancy!

Other tips.

Don't bring makeup!
Forget the hair straighter!
Have a great time


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