Snow day.

Today started off pretty awesome, we all woke up to find that we don't have to venture out in this snowy, cold weather which means we can all have a lazy day whether that's doing homework or watching movies. Either way we get to dress comfortable here are some things to keep in mind.

Hair up: No one's seeing your hair, todays a day that you can throw it up in a bun and not care what it looks like, for once you don't have to take an hour to do it.

Natural: No make-up give your face a rest for once just let your skin have a day. In fact try doing a facial mask or some hydrating that way next time you go to put on makeup it's healthy and fresh looking.

Sweats or Pj's: Don’t bother looking all nice when just sitting at home go to something baggy we all wear those tight jeans that hurt to sit in all week to look great, give it rest today.

Warm top: nothing has to be fancy a hoodie or even a baggy cardigan or shirt will do just throw something over your head to keep toasty and warm.

Socks or slippers: Even though your not going outside keep your toes nice and warm.

Things you can do on a snowy day:

1. Watch movies all day long: we all like the gushy romance movies that involve Zac Efron take a day to your self enjoy it!

2. Organize your stuff: we hardly have anytime to do these things that matter most go through your closet get rid of clothes you don't wear and things you really don't ever use.

3. Play outside: we might feel like were all past the age of going outside but really we all love to mess around in the snow. Ps. Make sure you go to the bathroom before getting into the snow gear we learnt our lesson when we were young.

4. Sleep: we always complain that were tired so sleep! This weather is great for napping put some candles on shut the blinds and nap.

Last but not least 

5. Homework: I know I said it, we all hate it but it needs to get done, do some homework you don't feel like leaving to last minute. Before you think of doing this try the other 4 things I suggested first.


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