Makeup Brushes.

A lot of girls wear makeup but a lot of girls don't know how to apply makeup properly for it to look just right. When it comes down to it it's all about the brush you use. Here is a brush guide for you to learn from. 

Concealer: Artificial brush that has a slightly tapered narrow edge at the end of it.

Powder: A big round brush, that has a natural feel to it.

Contouring: A soft brush with a tapered edge that is used for bronzer.

Blush: A soft-medium round brush.

Eye Shadow: A flat tapered brush that is good for blending.

Fan brush: This is a great brush that is used for highlighting the eyeshadow, it also brushes away any access eyeshadow that is left behind.

Eyebrow: A firm brush that has an angle, this is used to fill in your eyebrows.

Foundation: Articifal brush this is used when applying a cream rush.


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