Key To Stripes.

This spring is all about the strips, whether it's on your shirt your tights or even your pants. The key to strips thought is wearing them properly from thin to thick ones. Here is what you need to know about them.

Thin: This is the classic strip the thin close together one, this strip is most commonly found in black and white which looks best accessorized with  something red.

Medium: This size strip is becoming more popular, with the medium strip you can mix a lot with it since it's not as busy. Depending on the colour of the skirt or pant try for a colourful top as well to emphasis the strip.

Wide: You can't go wrong with a wide strip this type of strip thought allows you to be able to wear them in crazy colour try something vibrant like a coral or a turquoise. Depending on your body type a wider strip could be more flattering since it's not as busy.


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